Advancing Policies for an Age-Friendly New Hampshire
Thanks to dramatic advances in medicine, public health, and lifestyle choices, nearly half of children born today can expect to live to 100. As more of us live longer, healthier lives, New Hampshire has a powerful opportunity to advance healthy aging policies and reshape the future of our communities.
The burgeoning growth of our state’s older population creates the opportunity to use our collective skills to impact our current policies, structures, and cultural assumptions and address the new realities of an older Granite State. Our collaborative advocacy efforts are needed to successfully make New Hampshire a state that supports its older residents.
New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging (NHAHA) Advocacy has been working since 2014 to create a more age-friendly New Hampshire. By developing a strong coalition of service organizations, state agencies, policymakers, advocates and older people themselves, NHAHA Advocacy continues to build a cohesive advocacy infrastructure that responds to the needs of and works with the strengths of NH residents.
We need your help to continue this momentum. Together we can roll up our sleeves, envision a strong age-friendly New Hampshire and advocate for policies that support all aspects of healthy aging.
Looking Forward: NHAHA Advocacy Priorities
NHAHA Advocacy partners with New Futures to advance healthy aging policy in New Hampshire. Our collaborative advocacy efforts aim to address the unique needs of older adults and ensure that New Hampshire remains a state that supports its aging residents.
Building on past successes, our advocacy priorities for 2024-2029 will continue to strengthen and enhance our advocacy infrastructure and promote policies that improve the health and well-being of all of us as we age in New Hampshire:
- A strong State Commission on Aging that advises the Governor and General Court on policy and planning related to aging in New Hampshire.
- A robust System of Care for Healthy Aging in New Hampshire, implemented by the NH Department of Health and Human Services as mandated by current law.
- An age-friendly New Hampshire that supports older adults and their families, providing them with a wide range of choices that advance healthy aging.
- A deep and wide base of advocates, partners, legislative champions, engaged policy makers, and state agencies supporting the system of care, and healthy aging more broadly, across the state.
Celebrating Successes: NHAHA Advocacy Wins
In the past five years, NHAHA Advocacy has changed the conversation about how we age. Our advocacy work has positively impacted New Hampshire policy by drawing on the expertise and lived experience of older individuals and statewide stakeholders. Successes include creating a new State Commission on Aging, reimbursement rate increases for services provided under the Choices for Independence Program (CFI), creating a fully funded System of Care for Healthy Aging, and more.

How you can help:
Effective advocacy helps inform and educate policymakers, allows individuals to have their voices heard, builds stronger communities, and allows people to live more fulfilling lives. Together we can make NH a great place to grow up and to grow old!
Learn more about current healthy aging policy from New Futures.
Sign Up for Emails from NHAHA Advocacy
Join NHAHA Advocacy’s email list to receive weekly updates about current legislation that impacts older adults in New Hampshire. Learn how you can get involved in the legislative process and make your voice heard.
Contact your State Legislators
It’s important for state legislators to hear from Granite Staters about the issues impacting their lives. Contact your State Senator and Representative(s) to advocate for policy change that supports healthy aging in New Hampshire.
To learn more about the status of a specific bill, visit the NH General Court’s website.
Other Ways to Advocate
There are many ways to advocate in New Hampshire – from contacting your legislators, to writing opinion pieces for newspapers, to testifying at public hearings, you can ensure you make your voice heard about issues that are important to you. Learn about ways to advocate from New Futures.
The NH State Commission on Aging
The New Hampshire State Commission on Aging (NHCOA) was established in 2019 to advise the Governor and the General Court on policy and planning related to aging. A more age-integrated New Hampshire fostered by forward thinking public policy and initiatives will ensure we can all thrive as we age. The NHCOA builds on the 30-year history of the State Committee on Aging, and its members include appointees from NH’s ten counties and representatives from multiple state agencies. The NHCOA reports directly to the Governor’s Office, thus providing a stronger voice for older people in New Hampshire.
To learn more, please visit the Commission’s website.