Essential Information and Support for COVID-19
As the COVID-19 virus continues to affect our lives in a dramatic way, New Hampshire residents are faced with a variety of new circumstances that we must face together. This moment calls us to make sure that everyone can weather this storm.
The New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging has put together this resource page to help the aging community learn and better acclimate to these new circumstances. We will update this resource as the new events take place across the Granite State as well as on the federal level.
Access the most up to date information regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in New Hampshire
Spanish Language COVID-19 Resources
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is excited to announce the launch of a new Spanish-language resource hub. offers the latest evidence-based information on #COVID19 in one, easy-to-navigate spot:
COVID-19 Mobile Immunization Van
The State of NH has a mobile vaccination van available upon request to provide COVID-19 vaccinations. It is available to any size group across the State of New Hampshire at no cost. Whether you want to make vaccination available to first, second or third shift employees, a religion organization, a community group, festival or neighborhood block party, the state will work to accommodate your request.
Details and more at:
Medicaid Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – COVID-19 Resource
US Government Coronavirus Response
For a complete list of the US government response to the covid-19 virus, please visit the below link.
Non-Profit Funding
If you are part of a Non-profit organization that is looking for funding, please visit the NH Center for Non-profits.
For details regarding the CARES act and how if might affect you and your organization, please visit the link below,
IRS Tax Filing Extension for Nonprofits
The Internal Revenue Service has recently announced that nonprofits will be granted an automatic extension to file their informational tax returns. Nonprofits facing an April 1st to July 14th deadline, can now file until July 15th. For more details, please visit the link below,
Volunteer NH
For individuals who would like to volunteer for a local organization, please visit
Remote Work
If your organization is looking to transition to remote work more effectively, please visit the article below,
NH Food Access Map
COVID-19 NH Mental Health Resources