
In 2014, the Endowment for Health launched a collective impact approach to advance healthy aging in New Hampshire that would become the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging (NHAHA). Rooted in nearly two years of work to engage stakeholders from many disciplines and from across the state, a shared vision emerged: to create communities in New Hampshire that advance culture, policies and services which support older adults and their families, providing a wide range of choices that advance health, independence and dignity.

In addition, six areas were identified that would be the focus for creating these age-friendly communities. The six domains include: Living Arrangements, Family Caregivers, Social and Civic Engagement, Physical and Mental Well-being, Advocacy, and Fundamental Needs.

Image of EH Shared Vision for Elder Health


download collaborating to create elder friendly communities report Infographic from Collaborating to Create Elder Friendly Communities in New Hampshire: A Scan of the Current Landscape To help inform the launch of the collective impact process, the Center on Aging and Community Living at the University of NH conducted a research-based environmental scan that encompassed the six areas of elder health. Each domain area included background information and the importance of the domain to elder health; existing programs and resources in New Hampshire; best practices nationally; policy, programmatic, research implications; and recommendations to transform the current system. This report was used as a foundation for the establishment of the Alliance’s strategic priority areas.

Strategic Priorities

  1. Developing an advocacy infrastructure;
  2. Improving the workforce availability for quality healthcare and social services;
  3. Enhancing support for family caregivers;
  4. Increasing transportation options; and
  5. Advancing zoning changes to promote affordable and accessible housing options.


Strategic Priority Area Products

The Caregiving workgroup has drafted an NH specific caregiver self-identification tool modeled after the successful National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s “It’s About How You LIVE: At Work” Campaign.

Download Caregiving Flyer

In 2016 – 2017 the Care Coordination Strategic Priority workgroup, in conjunction with other experts from AHA, the University of New Hampshire, and subject matter experts around the state, engaged in conversations that became the framework for a brief Developing a Foundation for Integrated Care Coordination, released in November of 2018. This work describes care coordination efforts in three major systems of care: medical, community social service, and informal support. The brief further builds a foundation for dialogue to create an integrated-person centered model across these systems to enhance care for older people in the state.

Download the Care Coordination Brief



Funding Scans for Age-Friendly Initiatives in New Hampshire
These scans were conducted by researchers at the University of New Hampshire Center on Aging and Community Living. They provide information on the numerous funding opportunities that could support New Hampshire’s Collective Impact aging initiative in its work to create age-friendly communities.

Funding Scan 2021

Funding Scan 2019


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